
Callaghan Lake by Canoe

With my girlfriend recovering from a broken foot, we couldn't go for any extravagant hikes, so we decided to travel by paddle instead. We cruised up the Callaghan Valley to Callaghan Lake for an overnight camping mission.  Arriving at the lake, we found that the campsites were right on the side of the dirt road, with minimal tree coverage - not quite as serene a setting as we were hoping for. We soon learned, however, that there was a camping spot across the lake that was quite nice. So, we packed all our gear and loaded it into the canoe, and a rubber dingy which we tied to the canoe, and set off for our new destination. Callaghan Lake is pretty large, and makes for quite an enjoyable paddle. We eventually made it to our new home for the evening; an extremely small patch of beach at the trailhead to Cirque Lake (a hike which I will soon return for).  After setting up camp, we went for another paddle on the lake, and then took a mellow stroll on the hiking trail, checking out the beautiful streams that flow from Cirque Lake into the Callaghan.  We were about 4 nights post-full moon, so after dinner and a short nap we headed out onto the lake again for a moonlit paddle. Waking up well-rested and feeling like we escaped the "bubble" (if only temporarily), we headed back across the lake and back to real life.


Callaghan Paddle

Love my portrait lens, 50mm 1.8

Tiva was straight chillin'.

Peaceful streams in the forest

Stream Sampling

Cloudy skies, clear mind

Tiva the guard dog


This was our caravan set up across the lake.

Help me win an Arctic hiking adventure!

Thanks for checking out my website! I recently entered a photography contest with MEC about Exploring Outside. The grand prize is a hiking adventure for 4 to the Arctic next summer! I entered a collection of 4 photos that have all been explained in detail on this site, from previous hikes. If you could take a look at my contest entry, and cast me a vote, I would greatly appreciate it!  You can vote daily too, so the more votes the merrier. Votin goes from July 10-24.  Thanks!  

Here is the link to the contest:

This is a star trail I shot from our last trip to Moab!

Moab Road Trip

So usually my posts are regarding hiking in the Sea to Sky Corridor, but this year we took a different type of adventure to start off the summer. Sara and I hopped in the truck, and cruised through the USA, first down the Oregon coast for a nice surf session. We then cruised through Nevada to our next destination of Moab, where we biked everyday. Coming from Whistler, the biking in Moab is a whole other world; the rocks are so grippy you can climb just about anything. After camping on the Colorado river for 4 days and biking new trails everyday, we ventured off to Telluride, Colorado, to visit a good friend and unwind for a couple of days. Telluride is another amazing place, with this old Western-style town situated in an awe-inspiring valley with incredibly steep mountains all around. After a couple days of rest there, we started the 2 day journey back to Whistler, where summer was finally just starting. 12 days and 6000km later, we found ourselves back home, ready for more adventures.


Oregon coast Sara stargazing in Nevada Our vessel for the journey Lunchtime in the Bonneville Salt Flats Delicate Arch HDR Arches National Park Stargazing at Arches Sunset in Telluride

Lightning Lakes Chain Trail - July 2011

For a brief summer venture out of the Sea-to-Sky Corridor, we took off to Christina Lake for a friend's wedding. On the drive back, we stopped in Manning Park for an overnight excursion on the Lightning Lakes Chain trail. The trail is a nice, relatively flat 10km stroll that crosses 4 lakes along its path, each one bearing a more dramatic name. First is Thunder Lake, followed by Strike Lake (which holds the campsite we stayed at), then Flash Lake, and finally Lightning Lake. Some really nice meadows were found after Strike Lake, which bore many beautiful flowers. Lightning Lake proved to be very beautiful, and not very successful for fishing, but our dog Tiva honed her lake jumping skills. Back to Strike Lake campsite for some nice camping in a misty rain, and then to an early rise the next morning to drive back up to Whistler, the jaunt proved to be a very worthwhile interruption to our road trip. [gallery link="file"]